What Happens If Your Clavicles Break?


The clavicle (or clavicles) is the uppermost bone in the body that runs vertically from the shoulder to your skull. You will probably feel your clavicles when you touch the upper surface of your shoulder to the back of your head. When this happens, you have a broken clavicle, or clavicles fracture. This injury can happen suddenly or slowly over time.


As the natural progression of a person's life, this type of injury usually heals with time. However, if it does not heal on its own, or if it has become chronic, surgery may be required. This is usually considered a last resort because this type of injury may require additional procedures to correct the injury or because it will be difficult for a person to return to their pre-injury lifestyle. A simple fracture should heal without intervention if you are able to exercise, eat properly and take care of yourself.


Clavicles are small bones found in the shoulder, upper back and throat that provide a rigid flat surface for your clavicles to hang on. The clavicles are attached to the clumps of cartilage that are found in the joints of the upper arm.


Your clavicles are protected by a soft, smooth capsule and two thin, hard joint surfaces on either side of it. They are covered by the skin, which is very delicate and can easily tear, resulting in a break in the clavicles.


When a fracture occurs, the bones will separate from each other and then become fixed together. In most cases, they will stay this way in the joint until they are moved around again by the body.


If your clavicles are damaged or broken, there is a good chance that they could become dislocated and move out of place. When this happens, you will likely be in great pain because the joint will become pinched. This is because the cartilage between the bones in your joint is very fragile and will tear very easily.


There are also other types of breaks in the clavicles and the most common is a bursa


These are formed when bursae that connect bones together become inflamed, swollen or filled with fluid.


There is another type of fracture that occurs when one bone breaks off from the clavicles. This is called a disarticulation fracture. The broken bone is actually seen as a bump on the surface of the cartilage. These types of fractures can be repaired through surgery.


Bones that have been dislocated may also get bent, twisted or even get lodged in the joints that are connected to the bone that has broken off. Sometimes the bones will just sit in the joint where they are stuck. If the bones are stuck in these joints, they will need to be removed surgically.


Bones that have become crooked or have become lodged in the joints are not usually possible to fix. If your bones are not straight, you may have a problem in the muscles that support your bones. If this is the case, you may not be able to walk.


Muscle strength is important for many people to walk because it helps support the weight of the bones and keeps them in place


It is also important because walking can make the bones stronger and it is a way to keep the joints lubricated. If you have a weak or injured hip joint, it may be difficult to stand or walk.


Bones that are in the wrong position can be dangerous because they can cause damage to nerves that are located in the hips. It is possible to develop bone spurs, which are small tumors in the joints.


Depending on the severity of the fracture that you have, you may receive different treatments. Surgery, such as surgery, is the most common procedure. You may choose to have more than one procedure done in order to get the best treatment. You may also choose to have surgery in combination with physical therapy to help you repair the damage to your body.

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